
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Mantle

With temperatures still idling around 100 degrees here in Texas, it has been pretty hard to think about fall.  Despite the temps, I've still indulged in a few pumpkin spice lattes while watching my share of college football.  I love fall.  I love everything about it.  I love the scents, the colors, the anticipation of all the upcoming holidays.  I love game days, scarfs, and trick or treaters.  Love. love. love. love. love.  It only made sense that I had all my fall decor pulled from the attic and ready to go by September 1st.  Josh, the reasonable one, makes me wait until the first official day of fall.  You can only guess that once that day rolled around I started my fall decorating. 

So it seems that everywhere I look, people are posting their fall mantles.  Mine is still a work in progress, but I thought now might be a good time to explain this art project Josh and I undertook a while ago. 
First of all, I just want to throw out a disclaimer that Josh and I are in no way painters.  In fact, this is the first and only canvas painting we have ever done. 
We used several different shades of brown and beige and white and just started painting random brush strokes all over the canvas, mixing the colors together to create a textured look. We just used cheap acrylic paints from hobby lobby.  We also used a gold acrylic and painted subtle circles in the background.  We then found a damask image on google.  I pulled it up on my computer at school so that I could project the image onto a wall.  We taped a poster board on the wall and traced the projected image, which was then made into a stencil.  The stencil was traced onto the canvas where we then use black acrylic paint to fill in.  The fnal touch was the nailhead studs which were purchased on e-bay.  Our original inspiration was this piece from Anderson's which retailed for over $1000.
Of course the one at Andersons is more beautiful and professional looking, but I'm still happy with our knock off version that cost < $100. 
Here are a few other images from around the house. 
My breadbowl centerpiece on the dining room table. 

I also do one small area in the entry with halloween.

I'm hoping to swing by my #1 holiday decor source tomorrow... Decorator's Warehouse! I have a pretty good discount worked out with the owners (mom and dad). hehe. 
I you haven't checked it out, you need to! There is really nothing like it...but then again, I may be biased!

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